Journal of Hearing Science (J Hear Sci) is a quarterly, open-access journal published since 2011. This peer-reviewed journal publishes original contributions to knowledge in all areas of otolaryngology, audiology, phoniatrics, and rhinology, as well as related fields such as speech-language pathology, speech therapy and rehabilitation, genetics, pharmacology, surgery, and biomedical engineering.
Its primary mission is to offer an international forum for professionals, while assisting audiology practitioners and speech therapists by reporting new findings that may help patients with hearing, voice, speech, and balance disorders. J Hear Sci has a distinguished Editorial Board, promoting the publication of high-quality papers, and the broad international Editorial Advisory Board supports fair and thorough assessment. There are no publication fees or page charges.

Nowa Audiofonologia (‘New Audiophonology’) is an interdisciplinary scientific journal, published as a quarterly in printed and electronic versions from 2012. The journal was created as a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience for specialists in all areas of otolaryngology, rhinology, audiology, phoniatrics, neurootology, and related disciplines, such as speech therapy, psychology, rehabilitation, linguistics, cognitive science, neuroscience, and biomedical engineering.