Karol Myszel graduated as medical doctor from University School of Medical Sciences in Poznań in 1992. He began his work in otorhinolaryngology ward of hospital in Konin, Greater Poland. Since 2012 he holds his specialty in audiology and phoniatrics. He completed his specialty training in Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing in Warsaw. He graduated from postgraduate studies in Psychology of Attitude and Behavior Change at University of Warsaw as well as Management and Marketing at Polish Economic Society. Karol Myszel is a member of Editorial Boards of Clinical Medicine Research and Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology. The area of his scientific interests is voice disorders in people with hearing impairment, particularly in partial deafness which is a topic of his doctoral dissertation. He is also a member of Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons.
Karol Myszel, PhD, MD