On the 22-24 of May 2017, two ENT international meetings took place in Warsaw: I World Tinnitus Congress and XII International Tinnitus Seminar. These added up to one outstanding scientific event.

A considerable number of scientistsfrom theentire world (e.g. the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Russia, Columbia, Denmark, Slovakia, Finland, the Netherlands, Switzeland, Iran, Romania, Taiwan, Japan, Brazil, Canada, the United States, South Korea and Australia) attended the Congress.

The event gave an invaluable opportunity for presenting the latest ideas and results of scientific inquiries, as well as sharing of individual scientific experience in the circles of scientists and clinical professionals. Key topics of the conference were: diagnostic examinations, cochlear implantation in tinnitus, epidemiology of tinnitus and many more.

Presentations and lectures given by the scientists from the entire world contributed to the high level of the scientific content of the WTC/ITS. The Conferencehosted, i.a., Stavros Hatzopoulos and Mr. Hesse Gerhard.

The Congress was organised by the Institute of Sensory Organs, the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing and Center of Hearing and Speech Medincus. Media patronage over the event was embraced by the “Practical Medicine” (Medycyna Praktyczna) publishing enterprise.